Monday, November 7, 2011

Forum Marketing - The Case Against SEO

The reason that most people believe in SEO is that they can easily understand it. Most people have at some point used a search engine to find something they wanted, and probably clicked on the listings on the first page. So it is only natural for them to believe that if they work to get their own site on the front page of the popular search engines, people will click on their websites as well. Those who have been involved with Internet Marketing realize they can make some money off of this tendency by selling "How To" information on search engine optimization, as well as services and software that help with the process. The result is that a lot of people work very hard to make a small amount of money. We are going to discuss a few of the problems with SEO in this article.
Are you ready? Here we go:
Reason #1: SEO is absolutely NOT free!
Many people think they are getting targeted traffic to their websites for free, meaning that people who are actually interested in what their website is about will go to their website and it will cost them nothing. This is simply not true. In order to get listed in the first page of Google, for example, you either have to put in a lot of time-consuming work, or you have to pay someone else to do work for you. Most people value their time, and I certainly do as well. The outcome of SEO is that you make less than minimum wage in most cases, and often do not get the results you thought you would have. In using Internet forums to market, however, I can interact with customers and clients in a way that still takes my time, but is extremely profitable.
Reason #2: SEO is NOT targeted traffic!
Sure, people search according to keywords, and that is the best that computers can do. But human beings don't think in keywords, they think in ideas and concepts. As a matter of fact, most of the time when I search for something in the major search engines, I have to go through quite a few links and websites before I finally find what I am looking for. So far, no search engine has ever purchased anything from me. Only real, living people buy from me. That is why I spend my time in the forums, where I can find people who are really looking for the kind of information that I offer.
Reason #3: SEO has terrible conversion rates!
Now, there may be some rare exceptions, for example when you are selling a non-competitive physical product, or if you are advertising a local business or service. For the most part, however, especially if you are selling Information, people who are looking for things online want what they are seeking for free. Now I don't know about you, but I am not in the business of giving away things for free! Sure, you might give away something for building your opt-in list, and I do that too... But everyone who signs-up understands that I am going to try to sell them something later.
Now THAT is targeted traffic! As an obsessive tester, however, I have found that even when my sites reached the top four results in Google for my keywords and were bringing me some traffic, it had very low conversions compared to better forms of traffic. Because I get to know people in forums so well, however, it is a simple matter to obtain very high conversion rates.
Forum Marketing, when done correctly, is far superior to SEO in every way, and it takes less time.
Do you want to learn to make real money online by learning to use Forum Marketing the correct way?
My Forum Marketing Guide teaches the fundamentals of my system and bridges into more advanced techniques and concepts. You can get it for no cost here: True Forum Marketing

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